St. Michael School has multiple opportunities for volunteers! We have several fundraising events throughout the year such as Dinner Circles, Bike the Bluff and the Turkey Trot! We always need more hands and welcome any help!


In order to volunteer in any school activity, the school requires that the volunteer participates in the CASE training program.

It’s an online training video with a questionare at the end.

Go to:    (Note: there is no “www”)

Your Parish/Community: St. Michael School, Penn Yan

Your Username: IT20

Your Password: initial   (Note: it is the word “initial” not your initials)

If anyone needs additional help or more information, they can contact
Joanne Church in the Evangelization and Catechesis Office,

585-328-3210, x1240


Opportunities for School Support

The following is a list of some of the ways that individuals and families can support the school and we are requesting that EVERY family participate in at least TWO of these opportunities.  It is utterly IMPERATIVE that we raise funds above and beyond tuition and to recruit and retain students for the health and long term success of St. Michael School.

Major Fundraisers

Turkey Trot 5K walk/run

Chair: Erika Stork ">
Where: Start/finish line at St. Michael School
When: Thanksgiving Day
Children’s fun run immediately following
Committee members obtain sponsorships, plan for & promote event, registration, etc.
Day-of volunteers man water stations, direct & cheer on participants, run concession stand
ALL families are asked to participate

Dinner Circles

Where: Your home, a friend’s home or other location of your choosing
When: Host’s choice, typically in the Fall
Prepare a dinner yourself or have it catered, invite guests or let the committee know how many guests you can accommodate
Fine dining is recommended, but the menu is at the host’s discretion
Attend a dinner – $50 per plate donation

Second Collections

Chair: None
Where: Churches of the Our Lady of the Lakes Parish; St. Michael’s (PY), St. Januarius (Naples), St. Patrick’s (Prattsburg), and St. Theresa’s (Stanley)
When:  Quarterly (next date – 12/13-14)
Students in uniform are encouraged to attend and serve (altar server, lector, usher, gift bearer, greeter) at any one of the Masses at any church on these weekends to show gratitude for parishioner support and increase awareness

Cash Bash

Chair: Heather Griffiths ">
Where: Wagner Restaurant
When: April
Committee members have tickets printed, promote the raffle, sell tickets, etc.
ALL families are asked to sell two (2) $100 tickets to win one of many cash prizes.

Bike the Bluff

Chair: Sally Prather "> or Eileen Wunder ">
Where: Start/finish line at Keuka College
When: June
Participants can choose a distance appropriate for their ability level ranging from 30 miles to 2 miles for families.
Committee members obtain sponsorships, plan for & promote event, registration, etc.
Day-of volunteers man water stations, direct & cheer on participants, run concession stand
ALL community members are asked to participate.


Watkins Glen International Race Track

Chair: Emily Stewart
Where: Watkins Glen Sprint Cup Event
When: August 9th  (2015)
Need 27 volunteers to fill shifts as ushers, concessions, souvenir shop, etc.
For a $1,300 (approx.) donation to the school.

Watkins Glen International – NEW!!!

Chair: Emily Stewart ">
Where: Watkins Glen International Race Track
When: 8/9/15 for the Sprint Cup Event
Need: 27 volunteers to fill shifts as ushers, concessions, souvenir shop, etc.) for a $1,300 (approx.) donation to the school
Other events are available during the summer at WGI, ranging from the Wine Festival in June, the Ferrari Challenge, NASCAR, Vintage Grand Prix, etc.

Golf Tournament

Chair: Jenn Clancy "> or Keith Prather ">
Where: Lakeside Country Club
When: 3rd Wednesday in August (8/19/15)
Committee members obtain sponsorships, plan for & promote event, registration, etc.
Day-of volunteers sell raffle tickets, organize tee prizes, other duties as needed
Golfers (foursomes) are needed

Minor/Ongoing Fundraisers

Starshine Pancake Lunch/Dinner – NEW!!!

Chair: Heather Tillman ">
Where: St. Michael’s Church Hall
When: first Friday in December (12/5)
Starshine is a community-wide winter festival held in downtown Penn Yan.
Volunteers needed to help plan for and promote the event
Day-of volunteers are needed to serve, bus tables, etc. during shifts over the afternoon and evening
ALL community members are asked to purchase a lunch or dinner

Bottles & Cans

Chair: Mike Clancy ">
Where: Two-Can Dan’s on Benham St.
When: On-going
Volunteers bring bags of bottles and can from the designated bins into Two-Can Dan’s to be sorted and counted.
ALL community members are asked to donate their returnables
Campbell’s Labels for Education & Box Tops
Chair: Heather Tillman?/Erika Holland? ">
Where: School
When: On-going
Volunteers need to promote the program and educate the community, sort and count submissions
ALL community members needed to collect labels & box tops

Innisbrook Catalog Sale

Chair: Needed
Where: School
When: September
Volunteers needed to promote sale and coordinate orders
ALL families are needed to sell items
Seasons of Change
Chair: Erika Stork? ">
Where: School & Church
When: January
Students are challenged to bring in loose change in competition with other classrooms for a pizza party reward
Volunteers needed to collect money after Masses (and at services at other churches where students attend) and count money

Mission Day

Chair: None
Where: School
When: Friday of Catholic Schools Week (1/30/15)
Students donate money (no more than $5) to play games and win prizes.  Donations are given to a pre-determined charity (i.e. Honor Flight, etc.)
Niagara Easter Candy Sale
Chair: Rachael Robak ">
Where School
When: Jan/Feb
Volunteers needed to promote sale and coordinate orders
ALL families are needed to sell items
III. Other Volunteer Opportunities

Birth Congratulations and Birthday Cards – NEW!!!

Chair: TBD
It would be great publicity and community relations to send cards to those in our community who have small children.


Where: School
When: 11-12:30
CASE-trained volunteers are needed to get the children’s lunches from PYE and serve.

Recess monitors are also needed.

Public Relations

Chair: Scott Reinard & Lisa Walk-Reinard "> or ">
Obtain pictures and write text for press releases to print media (newspapers), social media (Facebook) and the school’s website.
Community members are needed to supply Scott & Lisa with pictures and other suggestions

Social Ministry

Chair: Liz Castner ">
When: Open House, Christmas Concert/Science Fair, Muffins for Mom, Spring Concert/Art Show, Donuts for Dad
Coordinate refreshments at various school events listed above
Volunteers are needed to bring refreshments, help set up, serve (if necessary), and clean up

Parent-Teacher Organization

President: Jenn Clancy ">
Vice-President: Jud Reid ">
Secretary-Treasurer: Vacant
Where: School
When: 2nd Tuesday of the month @6pm
Volunteers purchase pizza and/or bring light snacks to share
Children are supervised in the Activity Center
ALL community members are encouraged to attend to be informed of, discuss and help solve issues related to the school in a positive, constructive way

Niagara Chocolates

Chair: Rachael Robak  ">
Where: St. Michael’s Church
When: January 19 and runs through February 9 (2015)
Families have the opportunity to buy chocolates for Easter and spring.
Delivery will be March 13th.


Chair: Mrs. Coutlee  ">
Where: PYE
When: March 15th 2-4 pm (2015)
Join us for an afternoon of fun and great exercise with Zumba instructors from the area.
There will be raffles and door prizes.